Free Library PDXThe Belmont Free Library is just that, a publicly accessible free space where community members can both donate and contribute books and literature as well as find titles to pick up and read. Knowledge is power and paramount, read, read, read!
The BFL is made entirely of reclaimed pallet wood with a handful of acquired hardware pieces and plexi for the window. We made it in the collective haus driveway on a sunny project day! The Belmont Free Library is lovingly supported by donations from amazing independent publishing fam, please support them! - Microcosm Publishing - Haymarket Books - PM Press - AK Press - Crimethinc You can make your own free library in any manner you'd like, here's the materials we used to make the one at the collective haus. It cost under $20 to build using reclaimed materials. - Wood (reclaimed pallet wood) - 1x piece of plexiglass - 2x hinges - 1x clasp - 1x handle - 2x hooks (for the back of the library to attach it to the free wall with zip ties) - Caulk (to seal and weatherproof) - Weather seal (for the door) - Paint - Whatever other mounting supplies you need depending on how you want to set it up. |