Pink Pony ProjectAbout
Ever walk around Portland and see toy ponies with halters and lead ropes tied to the horse ties on the curb? It's a local tradition we love. The Pink Pony Project itself as one of those spreading equestrian joy around town exists as a reminder of the dangers that wild horses currently face and their shrinking population throughout North America due to bureaucratic political glad-handing between politicians and corporations. Personally I've been lucky to have seen and engaged with wild horses, it's beyond an honor and blessing to feel as though you have the trust of a being that has zero reason to trust any human and every reason to run the opposite direction. In 1971 the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act was passed guaranteeing their consideration as being an integral part of the natural ecosystem and to remain protected on public lands from capture, branding, harassment or death. The Trump administration began to diminish the power of the protections for wild horses under the Path Forward program, exploiting loopholes and grossly expanding on forced roundups, moving them to corrals to be branded and sold. But it's of course not just Republicans, the Biden administration has continued those same policies in the name of corporate livestock interests and mining companies. To note, Democrats have been even more destructive than the Trump administration. Additionally and beyond just keeping political funding cohorts happy, the Bureau of Land Management also contracts with and pays substantial funds to private and "secret" holding facilities owned and "managed" by corporate livestock interests. Neither the BLM nor Path Forward have any hard scientific data or proper evaluations to back-up the policies they're carrying out on behalf of the exploitation of the 1971 Act. It's all smoke and mirrors for the sake of private financial gain and political favoritism paid to campaign donors and corporate lobbyists. Capture stress for these incredible and majestic beings can trigger immune system failure which has been substantially documented. Over 6,000 deaths over just four years from 2018 to 2022. If you know of or live near any of these holding facilities, see one of these roundups and captures happening, please alert your local animal rights organization as quickly as you can. Humans claim to be at the top of the food chain, it's OUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure the agency of all other beings remains protected and in tact and we have absolutely no right to incarcerate any other living creature. In solidarity, with love. - SGC For further reading, this article from The Intercept has a lot of really good information as well as Vegan For The Animals about a roundup in Colorado: Animal Rights Organizations PETA - American Wild Horse Campaign - In Defense of Animals - ASPCA - Friends of Animals - |
This is a map as well as locations and links for all published and publicly known Bureau of Land Management corrals. Do what you will with this info, we didn't see shit.
Florence Wild Horse and Burro Training and Off-Range Corral California Litchfield Wild Horse and Burro Off-Range Corral Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corral R3C (Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center) Colorado Cañon City Wild Horse Wild Horse Off-Range Corral Idaho Boise Wild Horse Off-Range Corral Illinois Ewing Wild Horse Holding Facility Kansas Hutchinson Correctional Center Nebraska Elm Creek Wild Horse and Burro Corral Nevada Northern Nevada Correctional Center Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Center Oklahoma Pauls Valley Off-Range Corral Oregon Oregon Wild Horse Corral Utah Delta Wild Horse & Burro Corral Wyoming Mantle Adoption and Training Facility Rock Springs Wild Horse Holding Facility Wheatland Off-Range Corral Wyoming Honor Farm |