The twelfth track in the current Aestheticism: Song A Week Series, "City Swell" is now posted and available to stream via the Self Group Bandcamp Mart. We may extend the series a second time which was initially to end on February 28th, extended through March and now may keep slugging away at it through April. Huzzah!
We've just rolled out a brand new Team SG home for all things web and info related. Can you buy our ephemera? Correct. Can you communicate directly with the entire Team SG collective by commenting on posts here? Correct. 'tis a community! Best, KK & Team SG
SGC BlahgWhere we individually post about ephemera and hoopla for you to comment on and proliferate in the interest of world domination. Posts are created and maintained by the label collective, you're communicating directly with us here. Archives
July 2024